Hi All,
I’m looking for the inner city boundaries in major cities in the Netherlands. Do you know if such a dataset exists?
Thank you.
Hi All,
I’m looking for the inner city boundaries in major cities in the Netherlands. Do you know if such a dataset exists?
Thank you.
Wijken en buurten (districts and neighborhoods) 2020 van het CBS?
Thank you, I found this dataset already. I’m looking for inner city boundaries - not sure if this exists. I have come across Stadsdelen, I will have a look at that dataset.
Thanks again!
Maybe you can elaborate a bit what you mean with “inner city boundaries”? How do they differ from “wijken en buurten” (district & neighborhoods) or for what you want to use the data (speed limits?)?
How these administrative units are layered in the Netherlands are:
There are additional sets regarding safety regions, waterboard and so on.
May be you are looking for the “woonplaatsgrenzen” (city limits…?) that is available through the BAG
Ik denk dat ze specifiek zoekt op binnensteden of stadcentra. Stadsdelen of buurten komen wel in de buurt.
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