I see some mismatch of data in the API and the bagviewer site.
For this Pand relating ID 0363100012096613 the adress of each listed items in the site differs with address from the ApI response.Would like to know why this happen? How I can get the real adress by using pand relating ID?
Looking forward to hear from you.Thank you in advance
Hi @kanagadharmalingam ,
Which API’s are you calling?
Can you provide the URL of the WFS/WMS featurerequest/REST/…? endpoints.
Maybe some screenshot or code block of the thing that are mismatched, that way we can better help you.
The Api url is
The house adress i get from API are HouseNumber= 1847
HouseNumber= 861
HouseNumber= 1873
HouseNumber= 1779
HouseNumber= 1033
HouseNumber= 1809
HouseNumber= 1131 etc
The site
but here i see the house number 1,11,15 etc
This text will be hidden
I’m still not really sure what your question is,…
Both the https://bag.basisregistraties.overheid.nl/api/v1/verblijfsobjecten and https://bagviewer.kadaster.nl/ contain “house numbers” but the way they represent is different.
The bagviewer seems to give a response that is sorted, but the bag api doesn’t sorted the results.
This specific object seems to be a office building that contains multiple addresses, so there isn’t “one” single real address. A query on both endpoints/api’s will return multiple object with each there own address.
Thank you for the infomation.I see as you said it sorted some data in bagviwer site and not in the API.
thats was the thing I was confused as it has 100 object adress whereas in site was with 25 .
I can work further now.