Road pavement material

Hi everyone!

I am looking for the road pavement material as an attribute of the NWB dataset (as it is for example lenght, typeweg, verhardingsbreedteklasse, etc), does anyone know where I can find this information? Unfortunately asking at the gemeente has been very slow.

Thank you! and looking forward to hearing from you!

Hi @mpenaa, you are probably looking for the TOP10NL.

Seeing you are looking for a specific “gemeente” I think the most helpful would be the GeoPackage of the TOP10NL The zip contains per featuretype a GeoPackage, so also one for wegdeel, containing information about:

  • verhardingsbreedteklasse
  • typeweg
  • lengte
  • …

Through QGIS(/ArcGIS) you are probably be able to extract the necessary information for that specific municipality.

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