3DBAG - Welke source repo?

De 3DBAG, downloads op. 3D BAG Viewer .
De oorspronkelijke source repo voor genereren is gearchiveerd: GitHub - tudelft3d/bag3d: Software for generating a 3D version of the BAG dataset and more. Python + PostgreSQL + 3dfier.
Waar staat de source repo nu?

Hi @Just_OSGeo, there is no public repo at the moment, only the data is available.
In case you are interested in the viewer-part of the 3D BAG, that’s also available at GitHub - tudelft3d/3dbag-viewer .

Hi @BalazsDukai thanks. I was just curious how the BAG 3D dataset is now generated and what the relationship is with Kadaster 3D Basisvoorziening Gebouwen: PDOK - 3D downloads
The original code is GNU GPL v3 but ok that does not apply when extending for building a SAAS/DAAS.

There are multiple parts to this.

The current process of the 3D BAG is similar to the “old” 3D BAG, as it is still generated from the BAG and AHN, in tiles and is written to a database. But everything else changed and got more complex too. The archived bag3d tool (repo) is not used anymore, at all, that’s why I archived it. I wrote a complete new process and tooling, and large part of it is based on Dagster. Quite a nice tool, can recommend.

Indeed, the bag3d repo is gpl v3, but I don’t see how is that relevant here to be honest.

The building reconstruction is not using 3dfier anymore, but a new method and software that was invented by my colleague Ravi Peters.
The 2020 version of Kadaster’s 3D Basisvoorziening Gebouwen was generated by us too back in autumn 2020, using AHN3 and an older version of the same reconstruction software that we use for the 3D BAG. Then Kadaster replaced the very new BAG objects with an extrusion by 3dfier and using their point cloud from 2020.

Thanks @BalazsDukai for your extensive answer!
Dagster looks indeed quite advanced, and interesting for Pythonists.