First off my apologies for not speaking Dutch (at least not that well yet), anyway I started looking into all the API’s recently and there’s quite a lot to process / read thru since I don’t know where to find what I need i’m asking here… So is it possible to create something like the bag viewer where I would have a map and I could just click on a building to get some information about it (I hope it’s somewhat clear what I mean) and what services do I need to use to do so if possible?
Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to help!
You can use the WMS service for displaying the buildings and for getting information you can use the WMS GetFeatureInfo request to get information when you click on a building.
You can look at for how to create a web viewer with the most popular web mapping libraries using PDOK.
I agree with Matthijs that the BAG WMS would be the easiest to use. I myself use Openlayers for this. Be careful though when you use the BAG WMS using multiple layers: if you do that, then the GetFeatureInfo will not work anymore for the layer pand ( which is the building layer you are after). That only happens for pand, and it only happens when you use multiple layers in your GetFeatureInfo request, so it’s fairly easy to work around.
But in general: What exactly are you after? If it’s just building info you’re after, I’d simply use the BAG Viewer and not bother to develop something myself (why waste time and effort if there’s something already available?)
Or do you specifically want to develop something yourself? In that case my advice would be to get a website somewhere, and start playing with Openlayers:, but it depends a bit on how deep you want to dive into the nitty-gritty details of web mapping development. There are easier, but bulkier and less versatile libraries out there as well. I prefer Openlayers because it allows me to do almost anything myself.