BAG3D WFS - 502 Bad Gateway

Beste GEO-IT’ers,

We hebben hier tooling draaien op de BAG3D WFS (3D BAG). Echter, sinds gisteren ligt deze service eruit. Iemand enig idee van de oorzaak?




Yup, we needed the sever capacity for something else. It happens every now and then.

Thanks for your response @BalazsDukai, the service is indeed up and running again. Does this need for server capacity happen on schedule? Could you communicate these downtimes somewhere?


No, there’s no schedule for it. Since we cannot afford a dedicated server for the 3d bag, when we need the server for sth more important/urgent, we turn off the service(s). Usually they last from one day to a couple of days. However, this might happen max a couple of time per year. When you get a 502 error from the wfs/wms, then this is probably the case.

To be honest, if you want 100% uptime, then for the time being its probably better if you maintain a service for your clients yourself, based on the available downloads. In the future we might be able to offer a more reliable service, even for free.

Clear, it is what it is. Probably I’ll host the available downloads on an internal server.

@BalazsDukai, this week we do experience several downtimes of the BAG3D WFS again. Do you have an approximation of how long it will last? This will help us.

It is too much effort for us to host the data ourselves, which does not compensate the troubles of the incidental downtimes.



@GeoJanMov that’s true, last week we had issues with our server but it should be resolved by now.

@BalazsDukai, Yes, thanks!