If im not mistaken the CityGML included more data. Like “plaatsbepalingspunten”, not sure how to translate it but it is somewhat “metadata-points”. The points indicates the locations from which the object-geometry is produced, when and how (with which instrument), or something. See for more info about "PBP’s: https://www.geonovum.nl/uploads/documents/Scriptie%20Plaatsbepalingsunten%20in%20de%20BGT.pdf
As regular user of BGT-data, like just do the analysis with the Road-objects, vegetation-objects, etc. its not that important and the GML-light will do the job.
Stufgeo format stands for “Standaard Uitwisselingsformaat Geo” [Standard Exchange Format] and that is usefull for software-developers. One’s export of data-files is another one’s “import”. To make sure those are compatible between eachother without getting “vendor locked-in”, there is this standard exchange format.