I am a new BGT user and I have a very basic question. At the download stage, I noticed that there are three different versions of data available, i.e., citygml, gmllight and stufgeo. What’s the difference between them? Especially for citygml and gmllight, as the format of the downloaded file is the same.
If im not mistaken the CityGML included more data. Like “plaatsbepalingspunten”, not sure how to translate it but it is somewhat “metadata-points”. The points indicates the locations from which the object-geometry is produced, when and how (with which instrument), or something. See for more info about "PBP’s: https://www.geonovum.nl/uploads/documents/Scriptie%20Plaatsbepalingsunten%20in%20de%20BGT.pdf
As regular user of BGT-data, like just do the analysis with the Road-objects, vegetation-objects, etc. its not that important and the GML-light will do the job.
Stufgeo format stands for “Standaard Uitwisselingsformaat Geo” [Standard Exchange Format] and that is usefull for software-developers. One’s export of data-files is another one’s “import”. To make sure those are compatible between eachother without getting “vendor locked-in”, there is this standard exchange format.
CityGML. This is the standard format with most options. CityGML also contains expired/historic objects. More information: Geography Markup Language (GML) | Geonovum
GMLLight. It is a lighter and simplified GML-format with less options. It contains expired/historic objects. It uses more BGT specific attributes.
StUF-Geo. This format contains the BGT data using the StUF-Geo format. It doesn’t contain expired/historic objects. It is used in exchange between different systems. More information: Berichtencatalogus StUF-Geo IMGeo versie 1.3 | Geonovum
Including ‘plaatsbepalingspunten’ is an extra option. You can choose if you want them in your data or not. It has nothing to do with the format you want to use.
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