How to get specific maps images(PNG, JPEG) having postcode, housenumber and addition

Hi All,

Please help with following issue.

For example I have postcode , housenumber (And all related data that I got from API ) of specific address in Amsterdam.

Could you please describe technical steps of how can I get maps images for the following objects ( “kadastrale percelen”, “energilebel” , “woningen braken”, “bestemmingsplannen” etc …) of that address with specific styles, along side with specific object data ?

I saw examples that are implemented by “WMS”, “WMTS” services in “PDOK Viewer”. But firstly I don’t understand what “Lagen” in PDOK Viewer right describes my specific object. And secondly I don’t understand the proper way of doing requests to those services in order to get right image.

I have postcode , housenumber and all related data ( nummeraanduidingen, etc … ) that I got from API.


Best Regards



There a different webservices available in the Netherland to get maps (images). On the website you can find metadata and URL’s (webservices) from Geo-datasets from various organisations (not only PDOK) that you can implement on your website or in your GIS-client. The URL’s from datasets provided via PDOK you can find on the website of PDOK:

How to implement/use webservices depends on what you want to achieve. Do you want implement the services in leaflet or open layers for example or do you want to view them in a GIS-client. Most GIS-clients have good tutorials. The website gives you the option to very easily implement the aireal photo and background map from het Kadaster (PDOK webservices) in leaflet, openlayers, mapbox etc. In the future more webservices will be added. More examples of implementations in leaflet, open layers etc. can of course also be found on different websites or perhaps more reactions will follow to this post.

Webservices also contain capabilities. For example the webservice which containts “Kadastrale Percelen”:
By opening an URL you can find the options and metadata of the webservices, for example the available layers.

Herby also an example of a request that happens in the background of the PDOK Viewer when viewing the “Kadastrale Percelen”. For example you can see the requested layer (which you can find in the capabilities as well) and a boundingbox etc.:,420776.90387115,135798.86,420904.16387115&WIDTH=1410&HEIGHT=30