Missing properties in GetFeatures

Hello! I have an issue requesting new WFS api. Let’s assume my goal is to retrieve dak_type (b3_dak_type now) property of Features related to one PandId. Using the old BAG3D_v2 I was querying with CQL and had access to properties I needed.

Now, trying to use new enpoint I’m a bit lost. Using request like


I don’t get properties related to dak_type anymore. Do you maybe know how can I retreieve them?

That’s true, it seems that we’ve missed the dak_type attributes from the WFS/WMS layers. We’ll look into it.

Thanks for the response! I’ll look forward for it :slight_smile:

I have this same issue. 3D BAG Viewer has many attributes, I only get a subset:

  • fid
  • b3_dd_id
  • identificatie
  • b3_pand_deel_id
  • b3_h_50p
  • b3_h_70p
  • b3_h_max
  • b3_h_min

If I call DescribeFeatureType (https://data.3dbag.nl/api/BAG3D/wfs?typeName=BAG3D%3Alod12&request=DescribeFeatureType) it also only shows these properties.

I’m experiencing the same issue in the gpkg file from a tile. I’m missing the height_attributes. Is there a fix for this? When I download a cityjson files i can read the height_attributes, but not in the gpkg files.

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