- As the json backend is stored in addon preferences, the property will be saved and restored for the next blender session
- '''
- ('EPSG:3857', 'Web Mercator', 'Worldwide projection, high distortions, not suitable for precision modelling'),
- ('EPSG:4326', 'WGS84 latlon', 'Longitude and latitude in degrees, DO NOT USE AS SCENE CRS (this system is defined only for reprojection tasks')
- ]
- ("https://portal.opentopography.org/API/globaldem?demtype=SRTMGL1&west={W}&east={E}&south={S}&north={N}&outputFormat=GTiff", 'OpenTopography SRTM 30m', 'OpenTopography.org web service for SRTM 30m global DEM'),
- ("https://portal.opentopography.org/API/globaldem?demtype=SRTMGL3&west={W}&east={E}&south={S}&north={N}&outputFormat=GTiff", 'OpenTopography SRTM 90m', 'OpenTopography.org web service for SRTM 90m global DEM'),
- ("http://www.gmrt.org/services/GridServer?west={W}&east={E}&south={S}&north={N}&layer=topo&format=geotiff&resolution=high", 'Marine-geo.org GMRT', 'Marine-geo.org web service for GMRT global DEM (terrestrial (ASTER) and bathymetry)')
- ]
- ("https://lz4.overpass-api.de/api/interpreter", 'overpass-api.de', 'Main Overpass API instance'),
- ("http://overpass.openstreetmap.fr/api/interpreter", 'overpass.openstreetmap.fr', 'French Overpass API instance'),
- ("https://overpass.kumi.systems/api/interpreter", 'overpass.kumi.systems', 'Kumi Systems Overpass Instance')
- ]