what is the difference between Landelijke Fietsroutes and Fietsknooppunten in pdok.nl?
and what do you guys think the better dataset to use to see which bike route overlap within the public green space area in the Randstad?
*Open suggestion for any other data source of bike path in Netherlands
“Fietsknooppunten” are point locations and “Regionale fietsnetwerken” are regional bike routes connecting these points. Along those routes you can find signs like this:
Where 11 and 12 are “Fietsknooppunten”.
“Landelijke Fietsroutes” are national long distance bike routes. Along those routes you can find signs like this:
I’d try to get a hold of the Fietsknooppunten dataset (from e.g. OpenStreetMap) since it has many more routes than the national network, see e.g. Routeplanner.