WMS server for basic background maps from The Netherlands

Hello guys,

for visualization purposes for my project, I am searching for a WMS server that provides the map of The Netherlands as background image(?). Im not talking about Luchtfoto but more like the background map used in, for example, PDOK Viewer or in Download Data - Waterinfo Extra

As I am currently learning to deal with XML files or WMS itself, I understand my request is too basic, therefore I ask for a bit of patience with me. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much in advance and have a wonderful weekend!

Hi Diego,

The maps you are looking for are the BRT Achtergrond maps : Geo services - PDOK

But they are only available in WMTS, is that an option as well? You don’t mention which software you are using for your visualization.

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Hello Stefan,
thank you very much for your reply, it was really helpful since the language barrier limits my searching skills. The software im using is called Gismo from a company in Germany and unfortunately it does not support WMTS but only WMS. However, I managed to view the maps in QGis and they are exactly what I am looking for.
The only problem lies in having to download the map as TIFF to be able to load it in Gismo software with the desired coordinates but it seems that within the wmts link:


one can only download the map as image/png file. In QGis apparently I would have to save the layer tile by tile, consuming more time than needed. Is there any suggestion you could kindly give me?

Thank you very much!

Wishing a nice start of the week.

Diego, check out MapProxy. It provides a WMS endpoint you can use in Gismo and you can specify a WMTS to act as a source. The nice thing is: you don’t have to manually download the tiles from PDOK. Be cautious to not launch DoS while automically seeding your MapProxy cache.

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Thank you very much for the advice, Edward. This will be helpful also for future purposes. Hope you have a nice week!

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