I was downloading the buurt geometries using this R script:
list_of_geos <- c("landsdeel", "buurt")
## loop through main geometries
for (geo_nam in list_of_geos){
## define url
url <- parse_url("https://service.pdok.nl/cbs/gebiedsindelingen/2023/wfs/v1_0")
## build request
url$query <- list(service = "WFS",
version = "2.0.0",
request = "GetFeature",
typename = paste0("gebiedsindelingen:", geo_nam, "_gegeneraliseerd"),
outputFormat = "application/json")
request <- build_url(url)
## request shapes
geo_sf <- st_read(request, quiet = TRUE)
## assign environment name
assign(geo_nam, geo_sf)
landsdeel and others seem to work fine, but the buurt is missing most of the country.
Any thoughts?