I am looking for a data about opening and closing dates for retailers in major cities in the Netherlands, as well as footfall information in those cities per street with geolocation. I need to find most busiest places in different cities and analyse retailers behavior in those areas. Can this data be found somewhere? Thanks in advance!
Hi ogull in the Netherlands we have a public registration for businesses at http://kvk.nl, this data however is currently not available for download as open data, but you can contact the maintainer to request access. An extract of this dataset, having all government services is available at http://nationaalgeoregister.nl/geonetwork/srv/metadata/c935f2ab-9b65-4dc4-94a0-73aeb840a941 as representative for http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/theme/us
Note that there is also a community effort to assemble this data as open data, the website is http://openkvk.nl
KVK data includes adresses, but not opening hours, although this information is suggested to be provided by http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/theme/us.
I guess at this moment in time google is your optimal choice to find opening hours.
Related to football data, the above mentioned kvk also contains a registry for football clubs, also maybe have a look at http://www.sportwijzer.nl/sportverenigingen.html they also maintain a list of sports clubs in nl.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your suggestions.
I should probably rephrase my question. Opening hours are not relevant for our analysis. The goal is to see a date when a particular retailer (e.g. Zara store) opening a new location or shutting down existing one. So we can collect this data over a period of time and then find a places where business is not so active anymore or visa versa. I think kvk data indeed could be useful here.
As for the footfall data, we are looking for a head count or people traffic on a different streets. This will help us to identify which street are more busy than the others.